Most people who know me realize I am an avid fish keeper. Those of us who own an aquarium(s) always investigate bigger, better setups and more elaborate ways of provide a stable environment for those little (or not so little) critters to happily live out their lives in front of us.
I have been keeping fish for almost four years now and my primary tank (140L) is considered mature and stable. It has been running for almost two years since an upgrade from a 90L tank, many thanks to John for "giving" me his old tank and inhabitants that has started me on this fascinating new hobby. I have a heavily stocked tank, some would say over stocked but in reality it depends on your filtration setup and how well it can handle the pollutants and mechanical filtration. People that stop by our humble abode have always commented on how clear and clean my fish tank water looks and at the same time say, " man there is a lot of fish in there". Since this larger tank set up two years ago I have only lost one fish. A silver shark and a big one upwards of 20 Cm, but not because of my lack of care. These fish (of which I have two) are easily agitated and are prone to sudden darting movement when startled. Sure enough one night whist we slept soundly in our bed one of my sharks committed suicide and rammed himself into the side of my tank. He was found floating the next day....
My quest to get bigger and better has hit a snag however, our house is pretty full and my thoughts of a nice HUGE 350L plus tank are now on hold. We simply have no where to put this monstrosity of a tank. Hence, I have set up my first 90L tank again in an attempt to satisfy my need for more...I am trying to get a pair of my Tiger Bards to breed. I have been successful in the past with this species and raised a small brew of fry of which I still have one, now mature, male in my large community tank. My first go round at fish romance this week appeared to be positive. I conditioned my tank by feeding lots of protein, blood worms etc to get the juices flowing. I then isolated a female and introduced her to the breeding tank. The next day I introduced a male to see what would happen. Over the course of a few hours they started to exhibit typical mating behavior. So I just left them alone hoping to see small eggs all over the plants during their encounter. But I do not see any at all as of today. I think I will have to try again with another have to get the water conditions just right for spawning to be triggered, so it looks like my quest continues...