Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I was surfing around the other day and I decided to visit the S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl (formerly oblivion Lost) site. I am eagerly awaiting this FPS game and in my quest for more knowledge about the reactor and the nuclear disaster that occurred (I am a Physicist after all..) I stumbled across this dramatic website.

The site is basically from a young Ukrainian women who is one of these adventure seekers. Elena decided to take a motorcycle ride threw the "dead zone" or exclusion zone around the reactor. In particular the ghost city of Pripyat, only a few Km from the actual reactor. This city had a population of 45000 people and was evacuated the next day after the reactor explosion. It is pretty Erie to take a look at the photos of what appears to be a regular town totally evacuated.

You can check out the site here http://www.kiddofspeed.com/default.htm


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