Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Calgary bound


after many a tease we are finally heading to Calgary. A transfer within our company which is a step up for both of us. We are pretty excited but also sad to see the last 5 years of our lives draw to a close. We have had headaches and alot of fun in this small city, and we will definately miss those we have come to call our friends. However, you can not live totally comfortable all of the time, a change is needed and a shake up of our comfort zone is required.
We have bought a new house in the NW of Calgary and will be moving on the 28th of this month into new positions, in a new city with new challenges. I am looking forward to a change of pace and although, my wife is not as excited to go..I think she will warm up to it after the nerves and frustrations of a new job settle down. Anyone in Cowtown is more than welcome to look me up and drop by to say hello!!!