Turbot war part 2??
Interesting news today out of Ottawa. Canada has seized a Portuguese trawler for fishing inside Canadian 200Km exclusion zone of waters. This isn't the first time Canadian Coast Guard has seized a foreign vessel for fishing in our waters illegally. Back in 1995, a Spanish vessel was seized and two more were boarded and their nets cut as they were attempting to catch under sized fish banned by the international community. Tension mounted so much that Canada and the Spanish sent warships into the area and a brief showdown ensued when a Spanish frigate entered Canadian waters. It hastily retreated when two Canadian destroyers fired warning shots at the vessel. I highly doubt the Spanish would be foolish enough to challenge the Canadian Navy. I hope this doesn't escalate again like it did a decade ago. This just goes to show that fish stocks are still very low threw ought the Atlantic, and fisherman are going to more and more extremes to find some fish to haul in. The last thing I want to see I world headlines about Canada sinking Spanish or Portuguese vessels. It may sound silly, but Canada (yeah the peaceful, peacekeeper nation) will not allow our or the world's resources to be plundered by anyone. The Canadian fishery has suffered in agony for over 10 years, so why should some other nation simply ignore scientific data on fish moratoriums? This stock is not "ours" it belongs to the world and someone has to protect it. If not us (as Canadians) then who????